Continued work on my #19 Historic Steam Engine from Yreka, CA. The goal is to have the complete model 3d printed. I'm looking for someone who would like to assist me in the actual printing.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

This is the second road test of the portable Raku Kiln shown in SketchUp drawings. As you can see the design has changed. A good friend had make the comment, " wouldn't it be cool if it were motorized". Well I've had some bike parts laying around for several years, so you know how that goes. There is still quite a bit to go on this project. I thought I'd show this because I haven't put a new SketchUp design on my blog for a while. Now you know why
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Monday, March 3, 2014
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
The "Muse" being caught in the act of entering an art gallery.
Anicca is an art exhibit at Liberty Arts Gallery in Yreka, CA. This is the work I did for the show. I hope this will be the beginning of these type of shows everywhere. The idea behind the show was to create a community art happening that would last for three weeks. The name Anicca was chosen as a Buddhist word describing things that don't last forever. Everyone in the community was invited into the gallery. They could choose a space and create their own art. I talked with artists from 4 years of age to 89. I created this piece to represent the "Muse" crawling out of the wall. There was so much creativity going on that he, the muse, had to come see what was going on. No one is supposed to see the Muse. His surprised look is because we caught him in the act of investigating the work.
Go to this site to get more information:
Anicca is an art exhibit at Liberty Arts Gallery in Yreka, CA. This is the work I did for the show. I hope this will be the beginning of these type of shows everywhere. The idea behind the show was to create a community art happening that would last for three weeks. The name Anicca was chosen as a Buddhist word describing things that don't last forever. Everyone in the community was invited into the gallery. They could choose a space and create their own art. I talked with artists from 4 years of age to 89. I created this piece to represent the "Muse" crawling out of the wall. There was so much creativity going on that he, the muse, had to come see what was going on. No one is supposed to see the Muse. His surprised look is because we caught him in the act of investigating the work.
Go to this site to get more information:
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Friday, December 30, 2011
This is the latest Sculpture. It was created 1/4 scale as a sample for the Sculpturing Masters classes that will start at St. Marks Preservation Square on January 11, 2012. These open-ended classes will be directed by Sculptor Don East. This is also the first class to be offered through the Yreka Institute for the Arts. The time will be 7 to 9 P.M.
For reservations call 530 340-5587
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
God with Textures
The Sculpture I've created after Michaelangelo's God from the Sistine Chapel is now complete as far as the modeling stage. It will now have to go through the drying and thinning stages in preparation for firing. I plan on including additional pictures of the preparation for firing.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Michaelangelo's God
This is a clay sculpture I'm working on. It's from Michaelangelo's painting of God reaching out to man. I like the power of this painting and thought I'd like to try and capture the qualities in 3d. At present I'm pleased with the side views of the sculpture. However the front view needs work. The beard had not been added yet. The purpose of this slideshow is to show the progress of the work. More to follow. As always I'm open to comments and suggestions.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Tomorrows Horizon
Two Photoshop composite photos. Both of the shots used in these pictures were taken in Mexico. Getting the lens flare glow in the one composite took many steps and considerable experimentation. I was pleased with the end results.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
After Nathan Fowkes
This is a photoshop practice after a painting of an ex-student Nathan Fowkes. His style is much quicker with bolder brush strokes. I used his colors and compositing to create this work. As always I'm open for comments and suggestion.
His work can be found here:
Sunday, March 20, 2011
This "Art Work" is the results of my new use of Photoshop CS5. I started exploring the new paint brush tool. They are in my opinion the thing that has been missing form Photoshop all these years. Thanks to Photoshop for the new tools. I have never been an Abstract Artist. And I'm not sure that this qualifies. After playing with the brush strokes I began playing with composition. It was fun. I actually like the final results. What do you think?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Project Fantasy
This is a very personal Artistic statement. Two cars that are pictured in this work. A 1948 Cadillac I've been working on for over 30 years and a 1933 Chevy around 10 years. These are restoration projects I've enjoyed working on when I have had the time etc. They will probably never get finished because of time and money. At 70 my skills and abilities are not what they use to be. Also a retirement income limits the amount of work I can do at one time. So the hopes of finishing these projects and driving them get less each day. However I really enjoy working on them, so the joy is found in the work not the product. It is my feeling that this Photoshop work depicts the above statement.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Moon Serenity
I've decided to start doing some Photoshop paintings. This is the second try. I need to work on textures.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Victorian Kitchen
This is the remodel for our kitchen. It currently has a 1963 remodel that doesn't fit in our 1900 Victorian.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Airstream 55 Flying Cloud
The latest project has been working with the computer graphic program SketchUp and the render program Kerkythea. This model is an Airstream 55 Flying Cloud. The restoration of this trailer is currently in progress. The model is used to help me make design decisions on this project. The trailer will be updated to most of the modern comforts. This will require fitting and planning of thing that were not in this trailer in 1955. Because of the size of this project it has and will take most of my creative efforts for some time yet. Thanks for looking.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Still Life
I've been doing a lot of computer generated art in the last several years. So I decided to include some in my art blog. These examples are Still Lives in Glass, Stone and Aluminum. Still Life is a very traditional style of art and I thought it would be fun to try it in this medium.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

9-11 Where were you when ... I happen to be standing directly in front of the TV just after it flashed up on the Tube. The announcer was going on and on about how could a jet crash into the Tower. As a pilot myself I knew what had happened as soon as I saw the picture. Then the second plane. I stood there frozen. The image of the planes hitting the towers and what it meant hit me as it did many others. The very next day I sat down and drew this pencil drawing. It helped me work through what had just happened.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Lake Selmac, Or

This is a "painting-sketch" I did this weekend on a camping trip. The location was at Lake Selmac, Or. It is a Josephine County Park just out of Grants Pass on Highway 199. It a beautiful place to camp. This is the first time I've used Gouache is some time. I really like the medium. It's obvious that I will need to get is some more practice to manage the colors. I was pleased though with some of the brush work.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Ranch View
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Deturmined Trees

These two trees are like many that were located in this Oregon coast campground. There have often been floods in the area. This last winter this area was covered with 8' to 10" of water during a flood. You can see how the soil has been washed away many times exposing the root structure. However these tree continue to hang on.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Deer Camp Tenent, CA
Friday, August 15, 2008
Indian Scotty Campground

This sketch is from the camp ground that is just 1 hour from our home. It is on the Scott River. This is on the edge of a large wilderness area in Northern California. The last time we were there we heard a Mountain Lion just outside our trailer. It was doing that deep groweling sound that cats do when there are communication to another cat that "this is my area". It was quite exciting!
camp ground,
Indian Scotty,
Mountain Lion,
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Shared space

This Oak tree and Pine tree must have started out with their seeds very close together. When this drawing was done it looked like the two bases of the trees were growing out of the same spot. If you look close at the drawing you will see how the trees twisted around and within each other as they grew. It reminded me of some married couples who seem so different yet get along so well.
Oak tree,
Pine tree,
sketch book,
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Wintering tree
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Ranch Wild Flower
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Lakeside Grasses

This image is from my water color sketch book. This is a new approach to the sketching. And I'm pleased with the results. The thing I especially like is the expressiveness of the background. Plants can't move around, however they expand into the space around themselves. To me they are eternally reaching and searching.
limited pallet,
water color
Monday, August 4, 2008
Power Corrupts

I created this drawing some years ago. I never dated it at the time. I also had several ideas for a title at the time, but nothing seemed to stick. Over the years I have turned to it many times and tried different titles, however never settling on something. Just the other day I looked at it again. Power Corrupts stuck. So I have borrowed form Shakespeare. His statement goes something like this, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Somethings never change.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Mt. Shasta

This is an acrylic painting of Mt. Shasta in Northern California. It is the second highest peak in California. The painting was done form property we had at the time that was 35 miles across the valley form the mountain. This painting was created about 24 years ago. This picture is on the inside Fly page of our Book, Yreka. Am Images of America pictorial history
colored pencil,
God's country,
Mt. Shasta,
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Design Fantasy

female form,
pencil drawing,
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
San Maguel de Allende courtyard

This courtyard was in the town on the high plateau. It has great architecture and at the time I was there was a true Mexican village. A splendid place with splendid people. Their celebration of Easter was amazing.
pencil drawing,
San Maguel de Allende
Thursday, May 1, 2008
The Transparent Essence Called Life

A favorite drawing! All artists have favorite drawings or works that they have done. This is on of mine. It was drawn in San Miguel de Allande in the early 70’s. It is of a Bougainvillea. It was early morning and the sun was shinning through this magnificent bush. The sun made part of the flower glow with transparency. To me this drawing captures the transparency that is life itself. The living force the thing we call life is very transparent. When it is gone, that what remains is just physical stuff. The smile, the twinkle that little movement has faded to the invisible. The energy of the sun passes through life and sets it aglow. It is at this time that we can witness and experience the transparency we call life.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Fishing Boat, Monterey Harbor
Monterey Harbor Sketch
Monday, April 21, 2008
Self portrait Indicator?

Sometimes one should pay attention to ones own work. This was a practice painting for Nathan Fowkes class. I did this painting at home. I decided before I started the painting that I wanted to try and do some kind of expression. So I made an expression and began painting. In retrospect when I look at this painting a realize that several months after this work I had a heart attach. My teaching job had become extremely stressful. We look in the mirror, but do we see?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Self portrait

This Self Protrait was done as a homework project form the Portrait Painting Class of the Artist Nathan Fowkes. This is the portrait of the bunch that I like the most. Form, Color, and likeness fit my illusions of myself the best. I will be including additional painting form the class itself. The work in class was to be completed during the nite class. This was a great experience for me. The idea of finishing a work within a set period of time. Working at that speed was important development for me. I thoroughly enjoyed the classes.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Self portrait

The self portrait is an interesting thing. I have asked myself, why do artists feel compelled to do self portraits. Here's my thoughts on the subject. Being able to create images that others respond to is and interesting experience. Especially if one gets these responses starting at an early age. One gets use to having these positive responses and they become addictive. Another side to creating images is that they are often very personal. And displaying personal things and ideas can be very threatening or rewarding. Once you have put yourself out there, you then want to say this is the person that goes with these images. Any thoughts out there?
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Simple toy

This illustration was created for a class in drawing. After covering the basics in shading the simple geometric forms I wanted to give the students a practice drawing subject for their next assignment. This simple toy was what developed.
basic shading,
geometric shapes,
pencil drawing,
sketch book,
smiling toy,
Speek with forked tongue

Several years I worked for a School District. I drew this character during one district meeting while our Superintendent at the time was speaking. I hope this drawing tells the story.
sketch book,
Brother Bob
Copying great artists
Jelly Fish, Monterey Bay

Jelly Fish and the Monterey Bay go together. I have always found them to be a most fascinating creature. At the right time of the year Monterey harbor area is filled with millions and millions of Moon Jellies. There are so many they only 6" apart in the water. Monitoring out in our dingy I would put my hand in the water and let it bump from Jelly to Jelly. I special experience.
Fishing Boat, Monterey Harbor

Fishing Boat in Monterey is a sketch from one of the sketch books I often drew in while staying on our sail boat in Monterey, Ca. Most of the drawing listed below were strongly influenced by that experience.
pencil drawing,
sketch book
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