Morris was a maintenance man at the Fremont R.O.C. in the mid 70s. He was one of those great people that you just had to stop, say hello, and chat for a while. He always added warmth to the day
The Triptych Symbol in these drawing is in reference to the three basic "elements" in nature for life to function. They are air, water, and earth. Some of these drawings show the symbol and a group of life forms. One life form from each of the three elements is shown in the drawing. Others show a single life form with a point or location around that animal to illustrate how life forms must absorb the Triptych in order to survive.
Images of Imagination
All the drawings in the Triptych series were drawn form imagination and images in my head. No photographs or real life items are use during the creation of these drawings. Another note that may be of interest. I had started this series just before I had a heart attach. Most to the drawings were created during recovery period. Some while just sitting in the doctors offices.